

IB Parent Meeting

15.11.2023 Dear IB student and parent(s), We hope to see you at our parent meeting on Wednesday November 15th 2023 at 17:00 in Teams. You will get an opportunity to meet some of our Teachers, the IB leadership team, and to hear more information about life in the IB including the grading system, attendance, upcoming study trips, CAS, Extended Essay and more. You can join the meeting via Teams: Læs mere…


Rewilding at IBG

29.09.2021 As part of our participation in the Erasmus+ Programme we did a Rewilding project at Ikast-Brande Gymnasium Students and teachers from our partner schools in Germany, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania and Spain all joined in to realize the different elements of the Rewilding project. An giant insect hotel was build, bird boxes on a pole were raised to create nesting space for the birds in the area a Læs mere…


Ny elev på IBG?

24.01.2019 Find svar på alt om optagelse på vores uddannelser Læs mere…

IBG elever og lærere med deres værter i Tanzania Internationalisering

IBG i Tanzania

21.01.2019 Den Globale Elevgruppe, bestående af elever fra IB og STX, har været i Tanzania, hvor de har deltaget i en panafrikansk elevkonference om ”Service Learning”/ frivilligt arbejde. Her skulle de bl.a. afholde en workshop om FN’s Verdensmål og service learning. Konferencen foregik på den internationale skole International School of Tanyaka i Dar es Salaam og eleverne fra Ikast-Brande Gymnasium boed Læs mere…

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Bøgildvej 6, DK-7430 Ikast   •   phone +45 9715 3611   •   mail ig@ikast-gym.dk   •    mail sikker(secure) mail

Man-tors 8:00-15:00 og fredag 8:00-14:00


